
Vicky Kaushal’s Bad News discusses heteroparental superfecundation

Mumbai: Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virkre have been making headlines ever since the trailer of their upcoming film Bad Newz was released. The trailer begins with Tripti getting confused when she finds out that she is pregnant. She wants clarification about who the father of the baby is. Soon, things start to turn around and Tripti gets a paternity test done to understand the biological father of the baby. It turns out that both Vicky Kaushal and Amy Virk are the fathers. When this leads to further confusion, the doctor clarifies that it is a case of heteroparental superfecundation.

It is a rare case. The trailer depicts the rare phenomenon of a child being born with two fathers. After the release of the trailer, the term Heteroparental Superfecundation has peaked the interest of netizens. What is Heteroparental Superfecundation? It is a rare process in which two eggs from the same menstrual cycle are fertilized by different sexual intercourses. Due to separate sexual intercourse with two different partners, the eggs are fertilized by different sperms, leading to twins who do not have the same father – rather, they have different fathers. This phenomenon is extremely rare and is an interesting biological process.How rare is heteroparental superfecundation? It is an extremely rare process.

So far, only 19 cases of heteroparental superfecundation have been reported. However, the process is more common in cows. Cows are not monogamous like humans, and heteroparental superfecundation occurs more naturally and frequently for them. In humans, heteroparental superfecundation is possible when there are two episodes of mating with two different partners, with a very short time gap between them. The term superfecundation originates from the word fecund. It refers to the ability to produce offspring. On the other hand, homoparental superfecundation is a process in which two eggs are fertilized by the same sperm, leading to twins. In the case of heteroparental superfecundation, the twins are half-siblings who have the same mother but no father. How does heteroparental superfecundation occur? Sperm cells can survive in a woman’s body for up to five days. Once

When ovulation occurs, the egg remains viable for about two days, after which it begins to disintegrate. After the first episode of fertilisation of the egg, superfecundation is possible within a few hours or days. However, after the woman gets pregnant during the first ovulation, if an egg is released, there are chances of a second pregnancy. This process is also called superfetation. Bad Newz, directed by Anand Tiwari, addresses this rare phenomenon. The comedy drama stars Tripti Dimri, Vicky Kaushal and Amy Virk in lead roles. The film will release on July 19.

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