US Consul General and Governor hold meeting in Itanagar

Consul General Kathy Giles-Diaz at the US Consulate General in Kolkata met Governor K.T. Parnayak at Raj Bhavan on Thursday where they discussed areas of mutual interests and cooperation. The Governor said that with improved US-India relations, the people of the state look forward to stronger and healthier relations between the people of the two largest and oldest democracies, including special provisions for the tribal people of Arunachal Pradesh. Highlighting the state’s huge potential in terms of hydropower, horticulture, minerals, tourism and other allied sectors, the Governor stressed on investments and joint ventures. Stating that it is an ‘organic state’ with very high horticulture production, he advised exploring better market links and US food processing expertise. He also suggested supporting training in high-skill jobs. Referring to the ‘Women in STEMM Fellowship’, a partnership between the Johns Hopkins University Gupta-Klinsky India Institute and the US-India Alliance for Women’s Economic Empowerment, the Governor emphasised on programmes in higher and technical education, such as student and faculty exchange programmes, US scholarships and stipends for tribal students of the state, admissions in US universities and setting up of a US university campus in Arunachal Pradesh.