
Urban Administration Department’s instruction to all urban bodies, get solar energy related work done through CREDA

Raipur raipur news. The Urban Administration and Development Department has issued a circular to the commissioners of all the municipal corporations of the state and the chief municipal officers of the municipalities and Nagar Panchayats, directing them to get all the work related to solar energy done through CREDA (Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency).

The Urban Administration Department, in a circular issued by the Ministry, referring to the letter of the Energy Department, has asked to get any work related to solar energy under the area of ​​​​Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Nagar Panchayats done through the nodal agency CREDA nominated by the state government, instead of getting it done directly.

chhattisgarh news It is noteworthy that Deputy Chief Minister and Urban Administration and Development Minister Arun Saw has given instructions to audit energy consumption and electricity bills to reduce energy costs in urban bodies. He has asked to promote the use of solar energy and green energy instead of traditional energy in urban bodies to save electricity and reduce its cost. This will reduce the cost of the bodies as well as improve the environment. chhattisgarh

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