Unreserved spl trains between Hyd-Wadi

Hyderabad: To clear the extra rush of pilgrims attending the 47th anniversary celebrations of Urs-e-Shareef of Great Saint Hazrath Khwaja Syed Mohammed Badesha Quadri Chisthy Yamani on July 20 at Halkatta Shareef near Wadi Junction, four unreserved special trains will be run.
Train no-07175 (Hyderabad –Wadi), will depart from Hyderabad at 10:05 am and arrive at Wadi at 3:30 pm. Train no-07176 (Wadi – Hyderabad), will depart from Wadi at 4:20 pm and arrive in Hyderabad at 9:20 pm on July 20.
Train no-07177 (Hyderabad –Wadi), will depart from Hyderabad at 5 am and arrive at Wadi at 10:15 am. Train no-07178(Wadi – Hyderabad), will depart from Wadi at 11:05 am and arrive in Hyderabad at 4 pm on July 22.
These special trains will stop at Begumpet, Sanatnagar, Hafeezpet, Lingampalli, Nagalapalli, Shankarpalli, Gullaguda, Chitgidda, Vikarabad, Godamgura, Dharur, Rukmapur, Tadur, Mantatti, Nawandgi, Kurgunta, Sedam, Malkhaid Rd and Chittapur stations in both the directions. These trains will consist of 18 general second class coaches.