Unique method of liquor business! Two arrested for selling liquor in cold-drink bottles in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: Liquor smugglers find different ways and means for their business and avoid being caught by the police and the officials of Excise Department. One such unique method of liquor business has come to the fore in Bhubaneswar in which two men were seen selling country-made liquor in cold drink bottles.
Acting on a tip-off, a team of excise officials with the help of the Khandagiri Police conducted a surprise raid at a shop in Ghatikia area of the State Capital City this morning and busted smugglers’ unique method of liquor trading.
The officials also arrested two smugglers including the owner of the cold-drinks shop and seized around 200 bottles of the country-made liquor packed in soft drink bottles and kept in different baskets like any other soft drinks. Several liquor pouches also recovered during the raid.
According to the excise officials, the shop owner used to sell each liquor-packed bottle for Rs 50.
Meanwhile, police and excise officials have intensified their investigation into the matter to find out the source of the country-made liquor, bottling and mastermind of the racket. They also are questioning the arrested persons to get some lead in the illegal business of liquor.
The excise officials urged people to inform them or the police when come across such unique way of contraband business so that action can be taken immediately.