
UN chief calls for ending Ukraine crisis

America. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an end to the Ukraine crisis. According to the report of Xinhua news agency, he made this appeal on Friday at the Security Council meeting to be held on the occasion of the second anniversary of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. “This is the right time for peace – a just peace based on the UN Charter, international law and UN General Assembly resolutions,” Guterres said. International disputes shall be settled by peaceful means, he said, and all States should refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another State.
The Ukraine conflict is deepening geopolitical divisions in the world, fueling regional instability and limiting the potential for resolution of other pressing global issues, he said. It is undermining the shared norms and values that make the world safe. The conflict has led to rising food prices, economic shocks and a global livelihood crisis. Developing countries have been most affected by this. Additionally, he said, there is fear around the world over the possibility of nuclear war as a result of this conflict.
“This is the time to recommit to the UN Charter and respect for international law. This is the path to peace and security in Ukraine and around the world,” Guterres said.

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