Trains delayed after miscreants burn railway signal box following heated argument with gatekeeper in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: In an untoward situation at the Sarkantara railway level crossing in Bhubaneswar miscreants set on fire the railway signal box on Saturday. After not receiving signals, the trains were delayed.
According to sources, some miscreants, had a heated argument with the gatekeeper over opening of the level crossing. Infuriated by it, the miscreants burnt the bike of the gatekeeper. The fire spread to the signal box which reduced to ashes.
As the signal box was gutted in the fire, the trains are delayed due to the problem of signal. After committing the crime the two miscreants fled the scene.
Police has reached the spot and started an investigation into the matter. As a result, the passengers are facing a lot of difficulty due to the delay in trains.