
TMC forgot RKS meeting

TMC. After 2021, no meeting of the Patient Welfare Committee has been held in Tanda Medical College and Hospital. Even after almost three years have passed, due to no meeting of RKS, many works have not been approved. The last meeting of the Patient Welfare Committee at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda was held during the BJP government. After that no meeting has taken place till now. Due to lack of meeting, many works of the hospital and the process of new schemes and projects have been put on hold.

Some tender processes have not been completed due to the absence of the meeting of the Patient Welfare Committee and the time period for some has also expired and they are being pushed forward like this. From parking to other ground level works have come to a standstill.

Along with this, important processes like the annual budget for the hospital, test fees, facilities provided to patients, employee budget and payable financial benefits, purchase and sale of goods are decided only in the meetings like Patient Welfare Committee. It is very surprising that there is no meeting of the Patient Welfare Committee after 2021 in the second largest medical college of the state, Hospital Tanda.

The annual accounts of the hospital are discussed in the meetings of the Patient Welfare Committee, but it is fortunate that online Patient Welfare Committee meetings have been organized in other hospitals of the state, but there is neither online nor offline meeting in Tanda. Have pie.

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