Tiger cub dies at Nandankanan Zoo in Bhubaneswar, see details here

Bhubaneswar: A tiger cub died at Nanadankanan Zoo in Bhubaneswar the capital city of Odisha said reports on Wednesday. It was under treatment but later succumbed. According to reports, the Tigress Rupa gave birth to four cubs at Nandankanan on November 2 among which this was one.
The reaseon of the death is yet to be known. A postmortem will be conducted to know the cause.
The cub belonged to the third litter from tigress Rupa. In its 1st litter, it mated with Rajesh and gave birth to three cubs on 11-03-2022. Two of its cubs died within a month and the surviving white female (Himanshi) was hand reared. It was sent to Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park on 09-07-2024 under animal exchange programme.
Again, Rupa was bred with Rajesh and gave birth to Amrita (NCT) and Shiva (White) on 06-01-2023. Both of these cubs are healthy and are at Nandankanan now. In third litter Rupa gave birth to 4 cubs on 02-11-2024 (1st cub at 05:43 AM, 2nd at 06:22 AM, 3rd at 07:49 AM and 4th at 09:31 AM). This time the third litter was sired by Krishna (Melanistic).