
This is the world’s most expensive liquor … You will be stunned to know the price of a bottle

Public Relations Webdesk | It is said that hobby is a big thing. When someone is fond of a particular thing, then money does not matter there. Such is the story of the world’s most expensive liquor. Although there is more than one high quality liquor in the world, but drinkers also have their own favorite brands. You will be surprised to know that there is a liquor whose name is ‘The Billionaire Vodka’. Its price is such that for one bottle of it, the property of seven generations of us Indians falls short.
But, drinkers drink it and there is no dearth of its admirers in the world. The liquor we are talking about is made by Leon Vers Company. The name of this liquor is ‘The Billionaire Vodka’. It is available in select locations around the world. Its cost of one bottle is only 3.7 million dollars. Convert it into Indian rupees, then this amount comes to Rs 30 crore 36 lakh. Actually, along with drinking alcohol, it is a thing to feel.
This vodka really is the best kind in the world. The whole process of making it is very special. The water used in it is the cleanest water in the world. This water is cleaned with diamonds worth crores of rupees. Apart from this, the recipe used in it has been kept secret till date. Another very important thing with liquor is its packing. The packaging of this vodka is amazing. It is packed in a diamond studded bolt. Its bottle is decorated like a billionaire princess. It is full of diamonds and jewels. The company spends crores of rupees on the packing of this vodka.

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