
These 9 measures will bring prosperity and progress in life

Public Relations Webdesk | Vastu Shastra is a very ancient science of India and in the Vedic period, it has also been given the name of Sthapatya Veda. Even though many people keep expressing doubts about this scripture, but on the basis of facts, we would like to tell you that in the excavations done at different places from time to time, the ruins of ancient settlements found by the archaeologists or ruins, they have found this fact. It testifies that in ancient times temples, settlements and cities were built according to the principles of Vastu Shastra and that is the reason why people were comparatively more happy then.

Just as a man can always lead a healthy life by following the rules of Arogya Shastra, in the same way we can achieve prosperity and happiness in our life by getting our building constructed according to the principles of Vastu Shastra or by adopting the measures of Vastu Shastra. You can save your home and your state of mind from negative forces.

Just as there is importance of nine planets in astrology and each planet affects our life, gives us good and bad results, opens new doors of possibilities for us, similarly in this post I will give you 9 such tips of Vastu Shastra. , I will tell you 9 such measures, by trying which you can interview yourself with progress and prosperity. Can make your life more happy. You can fill new energy within yourself. These remedies are very easy and also very effective. Positive energy will also increase with these measures.

The first solution is the Swastik symbol. Swastik has special significance in our Indian culture. Our forefathers used to make a swastika symbol with vermilion on the main gate of the house. This used to increase good luck and prosperity in the house. According to Vastu Shastra, Swastik should be 9 fingers long and 9 meters wide. If this sign is made with vermilion on the main gate, there is a reduction in disease and grief. Worries seem to be resolved.

If you want the progress of the members of the house, then plant a banana tree on one side and a basil plant on the other side in a pot at the main gate to remove all types of Vastu defects in the house. Positive energy will start to reside in the house.

If you have bought a plot and you are not able to build a house or you are not able to arrange money to build a house, then plant a pomegranate plant in that empty plot in Pushya Nakshatra. There will be an opportunity to build a house.

If there is a Vastu defect in your house, then there is no need to do any sabotage to remove that defect. All you have to do is to put a big round mirror i.e. mirror on the roof of the house in such a way that the entire shadow of the house is visible in it. In our Vastu Shastra, the mirror has been described as a catalyst, through which there is a pleasant feeling of wave energy in the building.

You should never use broken utensils or a broken cot in the house even by mistake, nor should you keep broken utensils and a broken cot in the house. It does not benefit you, on the contrary, there are chances of loss of money.

The most sacred place in our house is the kitchen. The happiness and prosperity of the house reflects from the kitchen. If the kitchen is in the wrong place, then put a bulb in the fire angle and keep that bulb lit carefully every morning and evening. Vastu defects will also be removed by this and happiness and prosperity will also reside in the house. You may find it a bit strange to hear, but this is a tried and tested recipe in Vastu Shastra. This is not some sorcery. If you feel that someone has cast an evil eye on your house and negative energy is coming into the house. You have to tie conch shell or oyster in Molly and hang it on the door to remove door defect and piercing defect. That’s all it takes and your home will be filled with positive energy.

If you have made a place of worship in the house, then light a lamp of pure desi ghee there everyday. If a conch is also kept in the house, then make its sound regularly three times in the morning and evening. Negative energy will come out of the house.

If garlands of flowers have been placed on the gods and goddesses in the temple of the house, then every other day the old ones should be removed and new garlands should be offered to God.

If you do these 9 remedies of Vastu Shastra, then within a few days you will feel yourself that positive energy is being transmitted in the house and you are becoming free from all the problems of life.

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