Theft in government hospital, thieves took away solar pump panel

Korba. A company named Kamthen has taken over the command of security at Korba Medical College Hospital, but the system is still not improved. Due to poor security arrangements, the panel of a solar powered pump installed for water supply behind the delivery ward in the campus has been stolen. The medical college has sent a notice to the security agency in this matter.
Actually, after Holi, the heat has started showing its effect. The Medical College management has installed water coolers at various places to provide cool and pure drinking water to the patients and their families who come to the hospital for treatment amid the scorching heat.
Last year, submersible pumps running on solar plates were installed in the hospital premises. For this, two water tanks were installed, which the family members used for disposal. Seeing that water was being misused by some people in the hospital premises, the management had closed the pump. Its panels were kept in store form.