
The team representing Andhra Pradesh is owned by prominent sports entrepreneur Abhishek Reddy

Mumbai : Telugu talents have made a new entry in the first Premier Handball League (PHHL) to be held from June 8-25 this year. The team representing the Telugu states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh is owned by renowned sports entrepreneur Abhishek Reddy. Along with Telugu Talents, Delhi Panzers also joined this league. The Delhi team is owned by Vineet Bhandari of Bhandari Sports. Golden Eagles from Uttar Pradesh and Gawrit from Gujarat have already joined the league. An auction for the league will be held on Sunday. A total of 33 matches will be held.

Telugu talents have entered the first Premier Handball League (PHRHL) to be held from June 8-25 this year. The team representing the Telugu states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh is owned by renowned sports entrepreneur Abhishek Reddy.

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