
The nine-day wave signal that puzzled scientists

Science: Our planet is full of unknowns. We have seen such shocking examples again and again. Unprecedented event: A strange seismic event shook the planet for nine days. Scientists initially believed that the earthquakes were small, but the frequency did not match historical data. This mysterious sound of the same frequency was detected by seismic instruments around the world in September 2023. Like “unidentified flying objects” (UFOs), this mysterious sound has been called an “unidentified seismic object” (UFO) by the scientific community. Dr. Christian Svenvig, the lead researcher of the unprecedented study of this phenomenon, explained USO as a colloquial term that seismologists use when they encounter such unknown seismic events. Under the guidance of Dr. Svenvig, about 70 experts from 15 countries began a search to understand the nature of this seismic surge. Initial investigations ruled out the possibility of an earthquake and led to a shocking discovery.

A scientific discovery led researchers to a remote fjord in eastern Greenland. There they discovered the source of the global hum. Scientists are finding evidence of a catastrophic geological event of astonishing proportions. A giant mountain peak collapsed 1.2km above Diksenfjord. The collapse triggered a massive avalanche, spewing more than 25 million cubic metres of rock and ice into the nearly frozen waters of Greenland. There was enough debris to fill 10,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Researchers say this massive physical change triggered a chain of events that reverberated around the world. The initial impact created a monstrous tsunami, with waves reaching a staggering height of 200 metres – the equivalent of 60-storey skyscrapers. It was one of the largest tsunamis recorded in modern times.

According to the simulations, the tsunami was stabilized in a long-lived valley with a height of 7 meters, and its frequency (11.45 MHz) and slow amplitude decay were almost identical to the frequency of the seismic signal with a maximum amplitude of 5 × 1011, a research report, which was published in the journal Science. “A single lateral force reproduced the magnitude of the earthquake on the fjord and its radiation pattern, which showed that the seesaw directly triggered the 9-day seismic signal. It is proven,” says Newton. This jet of water, created by the energy released by the avalanche, generates strange seismic signals that have been detected from the North Pole to the South Pole.

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