
The Meteorological Department alerted the farmers of Uttarakhand, said – harvest the crop early, the weather is about to change

Dehradun. The weather of Uttarakhand has become very hot. This summer is not going to end yet. The Meteorological Department says that the effect of heat can be seen in the entire state for the next two to four days, that is, due to the increase in temperature, people are not getting any relief from the heat at the moment. The Meteorological Department said that in the coming There are indications of further increase in temperature in a few days, due to which the heat wave in the state can end its torment. According to the department, since April 18, the Meteorological Department has indicated some relief. Changes in the weather can be seen after April 18, due to which there is a possibility of rain with strong winds from the plains to the mountains. Vikram Singh, director of the Meteorological Department, warned the farmers about the weather changes after April 18. Is. Advising them to take special precautions, said that whose crops are now ready to ripen, the farmers should harvest their crops as soon as possible and keep them safe so that the crop does not get wasted.

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