
The ideals of Ram Rajya are absolutely suitable for making India a developed nation in the Amrit Kaal

Jaipur : Chief Minister Shri Bhajanlal Sharma has said that to make India a developed, self-reliant and prosperous nation in the Amrit Kaal, it is most appropriate to follow the thinking and ideals of Ram Rajya.
The Chief Minister was addressing senior administrative officers and public servants on the occasion of the lecture of Swami Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj on the topic “Role of Public Administration in achieving the goals of Amrit Kaal” at Rajasthan International Center on Tuesday. He said that adherence to religion is very important for the progress of any society. Following the right path, national interest and justice to every person, all this is implicit in the concept of religion. He said that Lord Shri Ram presented the ideal of following religion and decorum before the society in his life. The concept of Ramrajya based on the ideals of Lord Ram implies the welfare of all.
Shri Sharma said that public servants should make policies according to the priorities of the country and the state. Chief Minister Shri Bhajan Lal Sharma has said that to make India a developed, self-reliant and prosperous nation in the Amrit Kaal, it is most appropriate to follow the thinking and ideal of Ram Rajya and the latest technology and innovations should be effectively implemented in those policies. . Also, they will have to work with a focus on transparency, accountability and service delivery for good governance. He said that public servants will have to play their role with sincerity, so that the public remains confident in good governance and everyone can contribute in building a developed India.
The Chief Minister said that the Ram temple of Ayodhya is currently the largest cultural center in the world. No one can forget the contribution of Swami Shri Govind Dev Giri Maharaj as the treasurer of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust in the construction of this temple. He said that the illustrious Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has taken forward the great culture and tradition of our country that has been going on for thousands of years, whose irony is recognized by the whole world.
The glory of a ruler lies in working like a servant – Swami Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj
Addressing the program as the keynote speaker, Swami Govind Dev Giri said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has presented the concept of Amrit Kaal in front of all of us, in which he has given special emphasis on the upliftment of four classes: women, farmers, youth and poor. He said that to fulfill the vision of the Prime Minister and the inspiration of the Chief Minister, the role of public servants is very important because it is the job of public servants to make plans and implement them on the ground. He said that the glory of a ruler increases when he works like a servant and for good governance, administrators provide support to the public along with control. He said that the approach of public servants should be without bias beyond religion, caste and gender.
In this program organized by Harishchandra Mathur Rajasthan Institute of Public Administration, Chief Secretary Mr. Sudhansh Pant, Director General of Police Mr. U.R. Sahu and senior officers of various departments and a large number of trainee officers were present.

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