
The foreign minister of this country opposed the sanctions imposed on Russia

Antalya: Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar has said his country opposes imposing sanctions on Russia and will not send any weapons or troops to Ukraine to escalate the war. “The sanctions hurt the EU even more than the Russian economy,” he told reporters on Saturday after meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in the southern Turkish city. “We will not support any other sanctions that would harm Slovakia more than Russia,” he said.
“As the new government of Slovakia, we will not supply any weapons to Ukraine,” Blenner said, Xinhua news agency reported. “Our position is now clearer than ever, we call for a ceasefire and peace talks, which is the only solution to this crisis,” he told reporters. His comments come after French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement on Monday in which he said that everything necessary, including the deployment of troops, should be done to ensure the defeat of Russia. On the possibility of Macron sending NATO troops to Ukraine, Lavrov said that informally NATO troops are already present there. Macron’s comments were rejected by several NATO countries. Who said he had no plans to send troops to Ukraine to fight against Russia.

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