The bones of the face were shattered, the doctors gave a new life to the young man

Bilaspur. Doctors of Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) Bilaspur have given a new life to a 34-year-old youth injured in a road accident by performing a complex operation on his face. The bones of the face of the seriously injured youth were shattered in the accident, which was successfully operated by applying 22 plates and 60 screws. The special thing is that an incision had to be made to connect the bone of the entire face, due to which incision marks were made on the face. But, the operation was done by taking coronal flap and from inside the mouth and only two small incisions were made on the face. This will not show the mark on his face.
34-year-old Mohan Lal (name changed), a resident of Korba, was seriously injured in a road accident in the past, due to which the bones of his face were badly broken and his face was completely disfigured. Was. His forehead bone, nose bone, upper jaw bone, lower jaw bone, bones around both the eyes were broken into small pieces. After the accident, the patient had first gone to a private hospital for treatment.
The special thing about this operation is that an incision had to be made to join the bones of the whole face, due to which incision marks were made on the face. That’s why the operation was done by taking coronal flap and from inside the mouth and only two small incisions were made on the face. After the operation, the patient is completely healthy, satisfied and happy.