
Telangana: Another agent of child trafficking gang arrested in Telangana

HYDERABAD : Probing the high-profile child trafficking racket, Medipally police on Wednesday arrested an agent allegedly involved in the illegal sale of children.

During the custody of the three accused — Shoba Rani, a Registered Medical Practitioner, Hemalatha and Shaik Saleema — the police identified another three children who had been illicitly acquired by separate families. Arrested in the last week of May or the first week of June, the accused trio allegedly worked with eight agents to procure children from unwilling parents in Delhi and Pune, paying between Rs 50,000 and Rs 1.5 lakh.

Investigations revealed that the accused sold approximately 60 children over three years.

Acting on the information from the trio, the cops arrested the agent, Raju, who, upon interrogation, admitted to his role in selling children to three different sets of parents. His confession not only corroborates the information obtained from the detained women but also expands the scope of the investigation, said a police officer.

To rescue more kids in coming days

Medipally police have collected comprehensive details regarding the parents who unlawfully purchased these children. With this critical information in hand, the police have launched a coordinated effort to rescue the victims. The operation is expected to result in the safe recovery of the children within the next few days.

Bought newborns

As per earlier reports, agents in Delhi would buy babies shortly after their birth, shift them while ensuring they were fed bottled milk and deliver them to buyers within a couple of days

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