Tattoos, tailor’s sticker clues to crack Odisha woman’s murder case

CUTTACK: Ascertaining the identity of the woman, who was brutally murdered and abandoned on the banks of Kathajodi river near Paramhansa within Kandarpur police limits here on Thursday night, has posed a big challenge for the police.
City DCP Jagmohan Meena on Saturday said the murderer had disfigured the face of the victim and the only clues that the police have till now are the four tattoos on the woman’s body and the blood-stained clothes seized from the spot. The clothes are presumed to be of the killer. The trouser has a sticker on ‘New Star Tailors’ on it. The tailor shop is being detected as it could provide some information on the customer, he said.
“However, the priority is to identify the deceased first after which the investigation will proceed. Multiple police teams have been formed which are working on verifying the CCTV footages installed in the nearby areas, collection of data on any missing woman from the police stations of bordering districts, analysing the evidence through scientific intelligence, detection of the tailor shop besides enquiring about the deceased woman from the Ashram and disciples of Baba Balia,” he said.