
Suspicious death of young man revealed, friend of deceased arrested

Dhamtari. The suspicious death of a youth that took place in village Potiyadih yesterday has come to light. Ganeshwar Sahu came to the police station and informed that his younger brother Khileshwar alias Khillu had gone somewhere on his motorcycle TVS Victor and did not come home throughout the night. On the morning of 17/03/24, his uncle Manharan Sahu informed him that Khileshwar was dead in Potiyadih. Khileshwar was lying near the stadium, then he went to the spot and saw that his brother was lying dead, there was an injury mark near Khileshwar’s eye, there was blood coming out and there was blood coming out from the nose too, while filing the report, the applicant It was suspected that some unknown person had done something wrong to his brother.

On the report of the applicant, Police Station Arjuni, Marg No. 08/24, Section 174J. Fo. Panchnama proceedings were conducted after establishing the investigation. During the investigation, every aspect was thoroughly investigated by camping at the spot of incident in village Potiyadih. The injuries on the body of the deceased were carefully inspected. The body of the deceased was taken to PM District Hospital, Dhamtari. Short PM report was received in which the doctor stated that the death of the deceased was due to head injury due to a fall and rupture of the brain vein and the nature of death was homicidal.

On the basis of suspicion on investigation, deceased’s companion Human Sahu, father Narayan Sahu, aged 23 years, resident of Khartuli, was taken into custody and interrogated, who confessed to his crime and said that a week before the date of the incident, labor money and the mobile phone of the accused were found in the sand cart. There was an argument between the two regarding this issue, due to this rivalry, on 16/03/24 at around 08 pm near Potiyadih Sports Ground, both were drunk and in a drunken state, an argument and fight took place, the accused hit the deceased. He was punched and kicked and pushed due to which the deceased fell on his head and died due to the fall. The accused fled from the spot and took the clothes worn during the incident to the courtyard inside the house and burnt them. Crime number 101/24, Section 302 IPC against the accused. The investigation was carried out and the accused was arrested and presented before the court.

Name of the accused: Human Sahu, father Narayan Sahu, age 23 years, resident of Khartuli.

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