
Surat: A young man who came to inquire about the well-being of a friend admitted in the hospital brought a bundle of liquor instead of fruit or juice.

A strange incident has happened in Surat. A friend of his had come to the New Civil Hospital to see a patient who was sick with alcohol consumption, but he brought not coconut water or fruits but the sick friend’s favorite drink. However, he did not know that the friend for whom he had brought the country liquor had died two days ago.

According to the information received from the New Civil Hospital, in the morning a young man came to meet his friend Sunil Yadav admitted in the hospital located at Kidney Bhawan. When the security guard searched him, a packet of country liquor was found in his pocket. The name of the person caught with liquor is Raju Male (45 years, resident of Azadnagar, Bhatar).

The security guards and doctors asked him about alcohol and said that his friend Sunil Yadav is admitted here due to illness and is addicted to alcohol. Brought wine for a sick friend. On checking whether a person named Sunil Yadav was actually admitted or not, the records revealed that a patient named Sunil Yadav was admitted on 25th. He died on the 28th. Sunil died due to liver failure due to excessive drinking. Raju had brought country liquor three days back as well. After that today brought liquor for his friend but he did not know that his friend had died. The security guard handed over Raju Male to the Khatodara police.

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