
Smuggler arrested with 5 kgs of ganja

Raipur. Senior Superintendent of Police Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh has given necessary directions to all the police gazetted officers, station in-charges and anti-crime and cyber unit in-charges of Raipur Police to investigate and take action against the drug dealers and to effectively curb it. On which all the police gazetted officers, station in-charges and the team of anti-crime and cyber unit are collecting information about the drug dealers by deploying informers, patrolling and collecting information. In this connection, the team of Anti-Crime and Cyber ​​Unit received information that

A person has kept ganja with him near the Shahid Smarak parking lot under Maudhapara police station area and is looking for a customer to sell it.

On which Additional Superintendent of Police City Lakhan Patle, Additional Superintendent of Police Crime Sandeep Mittal, City Superintendent of Police Kotwali Yogesh Sahu and Deputy Superintendent of Police Crime Sanjay Singh directed the in-charge Anti Crime and Cyber ​​Unit and Police Station in-charge Maudhapara to verify the information and catch the accused red handed with ganja. On which, under the direction of senior officers, a joint team of Anti Crime and Cyber ​​Unit and Police Station Maudhapara Police went to the said place and identified and caught the person matching the description given by the informer. During interrogation, the person told his name to be Ankur Agarwal, resident of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. When the team members searched the bag kept with him, ganja was found in the bag. On which the team members arrested the accused and seized 05 kg 348 grams of ganja worth about 60,000/- rupees from his possession and registered a case against the accused in Maudhapara police station under crime number 214/2024 section 20B Narcotics Act and took action.

Arrested accused- Ankur Agarwal father Pradeep Agarwal age 37 years resident near Shiv Mandir Krishnapuriya Samaria police station Janakganj district Gwalior Madhya Pradesh.

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