
Sims doctors performed the state’s first orthomorphic surgery

Bilaspur. SIMS, the largest hospital of the division, has achieved another major achievement. The state’s first orthomorphic surgery was performed by the doctors of SIMS’s dentistry department, in which they were successful. According to the information received from SIMS, the 22 year old patient (Kavita, name changed), resident of Durjanpur of Bilha block, after 12 years of childhood, due to closure of the left side jaw, the development gradually stopped and the lower and upper jaw started becoming crooked. And the arrangement of teeth had also deteriorated, due to which the face had become unbalanced. Due to this the patient started suffering from inferiority complex. When the girl got information about the successful operation of crooked jaws by SIMS’s dentistry department on other patients in the past, she reached the dentistry department with her problem. The patient was thoroughly examined here.

After all the necessary tests and X-rays and 3D CT scan of the face, it was concluded that the girl’s left upper and lower jaw and chin are underdeveloped and she has TMJ ankylosis. Keeping the girl’s problem in mind, a plan for multi-level distraction osteogenesis was made. In which a 3D printing model of the face was made using modern technology and a 1-2 hour operation was performed and the first phase operation was done in June 2023 by installing a device called Intra Oral Distractor in the upper and lower jaw. After five months, the second phase of 8-9 hours operation has been done by the dentistry department of SIMS in the month of December 2023, in which the intra-oral distractor device which was installed during the first phase of operation was also removed. By doing inter positional orthoplasty, left temporal muscle was inserted in it, then the girl’s underdeveloped chin was operated by doing genioplasty and the height was further increased, which is called orthomorphic surgery. This is the first orthomorphic surgery in the state in which the length and height of the underdeveloped jaw was increased. The contribution of this successful operation was made by Dr. Sandeep Prakash (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon), Head of Dentistry, SIMS and all the doctors of his team, Dr. Jandel Singh Thakur, Dr. Bhupendra Kashyap, Dr. Hemlata Rajmani, Dr. Prakash Khare, Dr. Sonal Patel, and other staff. Sister Gracy, Lab Attendant Umesh Sahu, Ward Boy Omkar Nath Yadav and Head of the Department of Anesthesia, Dr. Rakesh Nigam and his entire team. In the last year 2019 and 2020 also, SIMS’s Dentistry Department successfully operated on two other patients suffering from a similar disease, Jaw Dermophytosis. Patients have been benefited by treatment.

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