Shantadurga Kunkallikarin Zatra ends with Maha Rath procession

The annual zatra of Goddess Shantadurga Kunkallikarin, at Fatrorpa, concluded with Maha Rath or grand procession, on Saturday, with thousand of devotees enthusiastically participating with religious fervour.The procession ended with chanting of ‘Har har Mahadeva’ and hailing of Shri Shantadurga Kunkallikarini.Twelve Gaonkars or chieftains installed the idol of goddess above the main entrance of the temple on Friday evening. Later on Saturday morning, the Gaonkars took the idol in a palanquin and brought it near the chariot and then installed it in the chariot.Mahajans or priests along with other temple representatives offered coconut to the chariot and then a procession was taken out with thousands of devotees pulling the chariot physically. On this occasion, the devotees showered ladoos, bananas and money on the chariot.The procession started at 6 am from the main entrance of temple and then went round the Agar Udegi temple and after going around the main mandir, it concluded at the entry point.The zatra started from Monday, January 15, and devotees took out a procession on the Ambari chariot, the flower chariot, the Vijay Rath or the victory chariot and concluded with Maha Ratha.The valuables offered to the Goddess will be auctioned from January 21 to 25 the temple committee members said.