
Saveetha Dental College achieves unique feat

CHENNAI: Saveetha Dental College has emerged as the highest-publishing dental institution in the world, dethroning Harvard University’s School of Dental Medicine from the top spot. The college achieved this rare feat when the number of its publications in Scopus, the world’s largest scientific database, rose to 8,920 in March 2023, surpassing the total of 8,854 from Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

The college has a team of 75 top researchers. It has a unique curriculum that places a strong emphasis on training students in research and publishing. The collaboration between researchers and students has been instrumental in producing numerous publications in highly respected medical journals. In 2022, the college published 12 papers in Lancet, one of the world’s highest-impact, peer- reviewed general medical journals.

NM Veeraiyan, chancellor of Saveetha University, said, “This achievement is a testament to India’s growing academic excellence. Though Indian institutions face several challenges in conducting research, including the need to pay a higher price for scientific instruments owing to multiple transfers and import duties, it is still possible for them to be a global leader in research publishing.”

Talking about the efforts undertaken by his institution, Dr Veeraiyan said that research training given to undergraduate students is one of the key factors that contribute to the institution’s success in research publishing.

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