
Sangareddy: 8th Asian Soil Laboratories Unite for the Future

Sangareddy: The Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET), the first regional network established within the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN), has set a precedent for other regions by grouping soil laboratories into regional networks. The initiative aims to harmonize standard operating procedures (SOPs), foster linkages among Asian soil laboratories, and advance collective efforts towards sustainable soil health. Currently, SEALNET connects nearly 150 registered laboratories, a testimony to the commitment of its members and years of dedicated efforts of the SEALNET Steering Committee.

After several years of virtual meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this in-person gathering was an important opportunity to strengthen ties between laboratories and countries and define a sustainable work plan for the years to come. All Focal Points were asked to encourage regional laboratories to join SEALNET and participate in regional proficiency testing. The 8th SEALNET Meeting held in the Philippines from 15 to 19 July brought together distinguished dignitaries, scientists and SEALNET members from across the world. The event was also attended by virtual participants from different geographies.

ICRISAT scientist Dr. Pushpajit Lokpal Chowdhury, who is the Chair of SEALNET, delivered the opening address. “By joining this initiative, members will contribute to collective goals and benefit from shared resources, expertise and collaborative opportunities. Together, we can generate quality data to increase our impact and drive meaningful change in soil health management,” said Dr. Pushpajit Chowdhury. ICRISAT Deputy Director for General Research Dr. Stanford Blade said quality soil data and integrity are the key to achieving sustainable soil management and food self-sufficiency. “Healthy soil leads to healthy life, as 95% of our food comes from the land. It all starts with soil and water, which are the sources of life,” he said. Dr Jacqueline d’Arros Hughes, Director General of ICRISAT, praised SEALNET’s initiative and their commitment to continue working together, inspiring each other and taking important steps towards a sustainable and healthy future for our soils.

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