
Samsung’s unionized workers demand 5.4% pay hike

SEOUL: Unionized workers representing 11 labor unions affiliated with Samsung Group on Tuesday demanded an average 5.4 percent wage increase for this year. Samsung Group Labor Unions Solidarity unveiled the demand at a press conference, saying the proposed percentage reflects 3.6 percent inflation for 2023 and a 1.8 percent increase in labor productivity. According to the Yonhap news agency, he asked Samsung Group to reform the salary peak system, raise the retirement age, ensure work-life balance including five days’ rest, introduce a fair evaluation system and establish a joint labour-management task. Also demanded to establish a force. The union proposed a one-on-one meeting with Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong as a way to improve labor-management relations. “We want Chairman Lee Jae-yong, who took the courageous decision to abandon the union-free management principle, to meet with union representatives and listen to reasonable proposals for the mutual benefit of labor and management,” the union said. Solidarity consists of 11 member unions of Samsung Group affiliates, including Samsung Display Co., Samsung Life Insurance Co. and Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

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