Raipur police caught habitual thief

Raipur. Vicious thief Raja Meghani alias Bharat Meghani, who stole batteries and tires from parked vehicles, has been arrested. According to the information, information was received from the Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit that a person near Narmadapara railway station under Thana Ganj area is looking for a customer in the interest of selling batteries and tires of vehicles. On which Additional Superintendent of Police City/Crime Abhishek Maheshwari, in-charge Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit and station in-charge Ganj were directed to verify the information and take necessary action.
On which, under the direction of senior officers, a joint team of Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit and Thana Ganj Police went to the said place and arrested the person of the character mentioned by the informer. During interrogation, the person told his name to be Raja Meghani alias Bharat Meghani resident of Ganj Raipur. On inquiring about the battery and tire kept with him by the team members and demanding documents, the team members were constantly being misled by him by not presenting any kind of document, on which he was strictly questioned. The battery and tire were told to be stolen from different places in Raipur. On which the accused Raja Meghani alias Bharat Meghani was arrested and 04 pieces of stolen battery, 05 pieces of tires and 09 pieces of insect paana jumla worth about Rs. Ja.F./379 Bhadvi. Action has been taken against the accused after registering the crime. The accused Raja Meghani alias Bharat Meghani is a habitual thief, who has been jailed in different police stations in the past in theft cases.
Arrested accused- Raja Meghani alias Bharat Meghani father Mohan Lal Meghani age 36 years resident of Chunabhatti near Thana Ganj Raipur.