
Raigarh: E-POS is not working due to server down, hindrance in grain distribution

Maharashtra: Once again, a huge obstacle has arisen in the distribution of ration. In view of the difficulties in food distribution, the beneficiaries are demanding that the state government allow offline food distribution. However, the beneficiaries are disappointed with the problems in food distribution. Due to server down, e-POS machines are running very slowly. Sometimes they come to a complete standstill. Due to this, customers have to wait impatiently. Many times, even after stopping, there is no guarantee whether the POS machine will start again or not. In such a situation, the question of how to distribute food grains to the beneficiaries has arisen among the fair price food grain shopkeepers.

Under the National Food Security Act, the government has directed to distribute food grains through e-POS machines through the Targeted Public Distribution System after authenticating the Aadhaar (biometric identity) of the beneficiaries. But in the last July and August, there were obstacles in the distribution of food grains due to technical fault in the server. At that time, the government had allowed offline food distribution. But at this time the District Supply Department has not yet received such orders from the government. Due to this, the beneficiaries are facing inconvenience. E-POS machines are shutting down repeatedly.

Due to this, shopkeepers are facing problems in distributing food grains to the beneficiaries. Keeping this in mind, the government should allow offline food distribution. And the beneficiaries should be saved from inconvenience. – Pramod Ghosalkar, District President, Rastabhaav Khadyan Shopkeepers Association The problem of server down is prevalent in the entire state. Due to this, grain distribution in fair price shops has become difficult. However, the government has not yet allowed offline grain distribution. As soon as the government’s instructions come, such instructions will be given at the taluka level. – Sarjerao Sonawane, District Supply Officer Raigad

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