
Quit smoking and alcohol consumption to maintain eyesight: Expert

New Delhi: If you are addicted to smoking as well as drinking alcohol, then now you need to be careful. If you continue doing this, you may lose the ability to see in the future. Doctors have revealed this.

Smoking not only damages the heart, liver and lungs, but now doctors have revealed that it can also have a negative impact on your vision. Health experts say that smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol can reduce vision. , cataract occurs.

Dr Dheeraj Gupta, Senior Consultant – Ophthalmology, Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, said that smoking causes “shrinkage of blood vessels throughout the body, including the eyes”. The risk of developing diabetes may increase. Additionally, smoking can cause blockage of the arteries in the eyes, resulting in severe vision loss or even blindness.”

Dr. Mahipal Singh Sachdev, Chairman and Managing Director, Center for Sight, New Delhi, said, “Smoking increases the risk of diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Additionally, it reduces blood flow to the eyes, which can lead to vision problems.”

On the other hand, experts said that alcohol consumption can damage the optic nerve, which is important for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain.

Dr Dheeraj said, “Continuous alcohol consumption can cause degeneration of the optic nerve, leading to permanent partial or complete blindness. “This damage to the optic nerve can manifest as a condition similar to alcoholic optic neuropathy, which can cause symptoms such as blurred vision, blind spots, and even loss of color vision.”
Overall, maintaining good eye health requires cutting down on both smoking and alcohol consumption. Experts have also stressed the need for regular eye tests to help in early detection and better treatment of eye problems. “Reducing or avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption is essential to maintain good eye health,” said Dr Dheeraj.

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