
Private nursing home in Odisha catches fire, see details here

Aska: A fire has been reported from a private nursing home in Ganjam district of Odisha said reports on Monday, said reports. The fire emanated from the gas cylinder and then spread far and wide.

The locals saw fire from the building and then informed the fire department. The fire tenders reached the spot and tried to douse the flames.

According to the information available, Vivekananda Sishu mandir, Flex Printing Unit, Pathology Clinic, Medicine Shop and some houses were on rent in the said building. All appear to be safe from a major accident.

It was further reported that, all the equipment of the nursing home including surgical equipment were reduced to ashes.

Recently on July 13, two major hospital fires were reported at two private nursing homes in Cuttack city of Odisha. In one of the hospital fires a 11-Day infant succumbed while undergoing treatment.

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