
Premi Pan Palace became a disputed place, there was a fight again

Raipur. Just a short distance from the police station in the capital, there was a lot of ruckus late in the night. The two drunken groups clashed with each other. What was it then… both the groups attacked each other. A car has been completely damaged in this attack. At the same time, some youths also got hurt. The incident is of Premi Pan Palace of Telibandha police station area. Actually, some intoxicated youths came in a car and parked their car near girlfriend Pan Palace. Regarding parking, the operator of Paan Palace asked to remove the car.

Then what was it, the youth got angry and started vandalizing by entering the shop. Some boys from the Pan Palace group also came and started fighting with the youths. The youth also vandalized a car parked on the road. After the incident, Telibandha patrolling reached the spot, but in front of the police the youths started fighting with each other. For the time being, after a lot of effort, the police pacified both the sides. During this entire incident, there was a long jam on the road.

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