
Ponda vendors encroach on main market pathway

PONDA: The people in Ponda are facing lots of hardship while shopping, especially at the weekly market since the main access or pathway to the market shed has been illegally encroached by some vendors, as they are keeping their goods on the main pathway for the past many days.

The weekly market days in Ponda are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. In recent years, Sundays witnesses migrant workers flocking to the market in large numbers for their weekly shopping.  

Not only customers but some market vendors also demanding action against encroachment on pathways.

Due to this encroachment, the market appears congested and customers have to jostle with each other to get in and out of the market.

The pathway is around 100 meters long and 2.5 metres wide, but some vendors by keep their crates of vegetables, fruits and other goods on the pathway, making it difficult for the movement of people in Ponda Market. 

Abole Naik and other vendors said they are doing business for past the 40 to 50 years but due to encroachment of pathways by some vendors, the customers are reluctant to visit the market and thus they are losing business. They urged the Ponda Municipal Council to look into the matter. 

She also said some vendors are allowed to sit in new market shed at Ponda Market Complex due to which the customers are not entering inside the old market shed and thus vendors suffer losses.

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