
Police arrested absconding robbery accused

Raigarh. Kotwali police today arrested the absconding accused of robbery, Sahil Ekka (20 years), resident of Rambhantha Jawahar Nagar. The accused was continuously hiding to avoid arrest and was caught by the Kotwali police today after being informed about his arrival home. The looted mobile phone and the knife used in the incident have been seized from the accused and sent on remand. Regarding the incident, yesterday on July 21, Vinay Behera (19 years) of village Kotaralia, Chakradharnagar lodged a report that he had come to visit the house of his maternal uncle Lakshmi Prasad Behera, resident of Vikas Nagar, Kotraror, in his motorcycle TVS Sport number CG 13 AU 6207. The same evening at around 07:30, he had gone to Dhimrapur Chowk with his maternal uncle’s daughter. Where three boys quarreled, pushed and scuffled, threatened Vinay and looted Vinay’s motorcycle, mobile Redmi-8, the watch he was wearing and the purse kept in his pocket.

When Vinay inquired about the three boys from the nearby shopkeepers, they were found to be Gagandeep Singh resident of Rambhantha Raigarh, Saifu alias Jackie Khan resident of Dhimrapur Purana Basti Raigarh, Sahil Ekka resident of Jawahar Nagar Raigarh. The crime of robbery was registered against the three accused in the police station. Under the leadership of Police Station Incharge Inspector Shanip Ratre, a raid was conducted on the hideout of the accused and accused Gagandeep Singh was arrested and the looted motorcycle, purse, watch and cash worth Rs 350 were recovered and on the next day, accused Saifu alias Jackie Khan was arrested and sent on remand. . Accused Sahil Ekka, father of Sunil Ekka, who absconded after the incident, was arrested today, who has said that he fled to Punjab due to fear of arrest and then lived in hiding in Jashpur, Kunkuri. The mobile Redmi-8 of the applicant/victim Vinay was looted from the accused and the knife used in the incident was seized and the accused was arrested and sent on remand. Police station in-charge Kotwali inspector Shanip Ratre, assistant sub-inspector Igeshwar Yadav and constable Pradeep Chauhan played an important role in locating and arresting the accused.

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