Peaceful sit-in demonstration of outsourced employees in Medical College

In the medical college, 110 outsourced employees were fired simultaneously. In whose fury all the employees fired on Wednesday staged a sit-in protest in the Medical College in a peaceful manner. After the demonstration, the employees met the Principal of the Medical College. The Principal asked the employees to come to work saying that they had received verbal orders from the government. But the employees told to come to work only after getting written orders.
Let us tell you that during the Kovid crisis in the Medical College, the service period of 110 outsourced employees was to be completed on 31 March. His services were terminated on Monday after the end of his term. These include 60 staff nurses, 25 ward boys, besides laboratory technicians, data entry operators, class IV employees. On Wednesday, all these employees expressed their anger in a peaceful manner in the Medical College campus.
Outsourced personnel say that they rendered services in the treatment of Kovid infected during difficult circumstances during the Corona period. When the near and dear ones had kept distance from the infected patients, even in those difficult times, they risked their lives and rendered their services. It was expected that they would be merged into the department. But instead of extending their services, their services were terminated. While the staff nurses have not even received honorarium for three months.
Acting Principal of the Medical College, Dr. Shyam Lal Kaushik said that verbal instructions have been received to restore the services of outsourced personnel. On this he has been asked to come to work.