
Pakistan wants to improve relations with India! took this step

New Delhi: In neighboring country Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif has taken oath as the Prime Minister for the second time. He has started trying to improve relations with India. Pakistan, which is reeling under economic crisis, is most in need of building cordial relations with the neighboring countries and perhaps that is why for the first time in four years, Pakistan is going to celebrate its National Day in New Delhi. It is being told that on this day many programs will be organized at the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi. Foreign diplomats and Indians are involved in this. Usually a minister or minister of state is invited to attend the event as the chief guest. Pakistan had recalled its ambassador after the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir.
Pakistan celebrates 23 March as National Day. On March 23, 1940, the Muslim League had proposed the creation of a separate sovereign country for Muslims in Lahore and that resolution was adopted by the party in the Lahore meeting. The anniversary of Lahore Resolution is celebrated as National Day in Pakistan. March 23 is also important in Pakistan because the Constitution of Pakistan came into force on March 23, 1956, under which Pakistan became an Islamic republic.
In 1940, a session of the Muslim League was held in Lahore between 22 and 24 March. During this time, on March 23, the Muslim League passed a resolution to create a separate sovereign country for Muslims. Although the name Pakistan was not mentioned in the Lahore Resolution, but later when Pakistan became a separate country, this resolution also came to be called the Pakistan Resolution. Indian Muslims like Abul Kalam Azad and Hussain Ahmed Madani criticized this proposal. Deoband Ulema also advocated for a united India against the Lahore Resolution.
In this proposal it was said that keeping in mind the geographical boundaries and concentration of Muslim population, the partition should be done in such a way that the majority Muslim population comes under it. It was said in the proposal that unless such geographical distribution is done keeping the Muslims in mind, the Muslim parties will not accept any constitutional action plan. Under this resolution, a demand was made to create separate countries for the eastern part of India and the north-western part, which later came into existence as East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and Pakistan.

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