Orchestra artist sings Ram Bhajan to female dog

Durg. Everyone is immersed in devotion regarding the consecration of Lord Ram’s life in Ayodhya on 22 January. Many stories and videos are coming out from across the country. In such a situation, in Chhattisgarh, a pet dog has been captured in a video saying Ram-Ram with its mistress.
Actually, Sandeep Rajput, resident of Housing Board, Bhilai, has a female dog named Julie in his house. His video has been viral on Facebook for 2 days. When his wife used to say Ram-Ram, Julie would also do the same. He told that Julie does not eat anything on the day of Ekadashi.
Does not eat non-veg during Navratri. Sandeep Rajput and his wife Seema Singh are orchestra artists by profession. When they sing bhajans at home, their dog named Julie also sits there. Two days ago, when Julie also said Ram-Ram along with him, Sandeep made a video of it and posted it on Facebook.