One dies of mysterious kidney ailment in Odisha

SAMBALPUR: An unidentified kidney ailment which has claimed seven lives in the last five years in Kaunsipani village under Rairakhol sub-division in the district is back to haunt locals.
On June 15, Urmila Mirdha (40) who was suffering from the ailment for some time succumbed to it. Though she was rushed to the CHC in Jujumura, the doctors pronounced her dead on arrival. Having lost her husband to the same ailment a few years back, Urmila’s death has left her two daughters and a son orphaned.
The village with around 30 odd families mostly depends on a lone hand pump. Another source which draws water from a nearby water body through electric pump has been lying defunct due to solar power issues. Though two years back, the water sample was collected and tested following emergence of a number of cases. However, the reports did not find any problem in the water.
With emergence of fresh cases, the district health department is yet again on its toes to identify the cause behind the ailment.
District public health officer, Ashok Das said, “We came to know of the recent cases and a medical team has been instructed to visit the village and prepare a report after an investigation.The cause could be ascertained only after we obtain the report. We will also visit the village after looking into the findings of the team.”
Official sources said a team is likely to visit the village by Thursday to survey the recent cases and actual number of deaths due to the disease. A fresh request has also been sent to the RWSS for testing the water sample.