
Odisha Health Minister Holds Review Meeting Of National Health Mission

Bhubaneswar: Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr. Mukesh Mahalinga held a departmental review meeting at the National Health Mission headquarters in Bhubaneswar this afternoon.

In the meeting, which was attended by many senior officials including NHM MD D. Brunda, the implementation of the National Health Mission and various schemes such as Janani Surakhya Yojana, Janani Sishu Surakhya Karyakrama, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakrama, Sickle Celle Anemia Elimination Mission, Ayushman Arogya Mandir etc. were discussed in detail.

Minister Mahaling said in his speech that the protection of the health of the people of the state is a big responsibility. He also said that Biomedical Engineering & Instrumentation departments should be opened in the medical colleges under the National Health Mission and the time of 108 ambulances to reach out the patients has to be reduced to maximum 15 minutes.

He also directed to fill up the vacant posts being filled by the National Health Mission as soon as possible. He asked the officials of the department to make healthcare more simple and user-friendly by using information and technology in the healthcare sector.

Similarly, he asked to focus on 24×7 operational and cleanliness of CHCs. Yoga is beneficial for health, therefore, organizing yoga training camps at regular intervals in health centers in every district and urban areas.

He also emphasized on the permanent appointment of yoga instructors.

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