
Numerology Prediction May 4 Lucky Number and Auspicious Color

Astrology News: According to astrology, the auspicious number of any person can be known according to the date of birth of that person which we know as Radix. Radix is the sum of the digits of the date of birth, so today we will tell you on the basis of Radix. Let us know how your day is going to be.

  1. Today may be a mixed day, some thoughts may come to your mind towards your partner, which you will definitely have to fulfill. There will be reduction in work. Lucky number is 5, lucky color is yellow.
  2. People associated with jobs and business will get relief today. You can feel peace in the family, you can go on a short trip, there are chances of financial gain, lucky number is 11, lucky color is red.
  3. The plans made by you may prove to be effective. Efforts made for education may be successful. You will have to avoid getting involved in legal matters. Lucky number is 33, lucky color is green.
  4. You may get better job opportunities, the day will be good. You will receive good news from your children. There will be pace in work, lucky number is 17, lucky color is pink.
  5. Today is going to be a good day for people associated with business, they will get support from family and friends. Be careful while exchanging money. Lucky number is 9, lucky color is white.
  6. Changes may be seen financially, problems arising in work may be resolved. Completion of some important work will keep the mind happy. Lucky number is 1, lucky color is grey.
  7. Today there are chances of salary increase and promotion, there may be a change in lifestyle. You may get happiness from your children and you will get full support from your parents. Lucky number is 23, lucky color is brown.
  8. You may meet a special person and there will be sudden financial gain in which you may get back the money you lent to someone. Lucky number is 6, lucky color is blue
  9. There will also be a sudden financial gain in which you may get back the money you lent to someone. You will have a positive attitude throughout the day. You will get full support from friends. Lucky number is 11, lucky color is silver
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