
Now traffic signals will remain closed for so many hours, public will get relief

Ahmedabad: Since the beginning of April, heat has started wreaking havoc in many states of the country. In most of the states of North India the mercury has already crossed or near 35 degrees. Meteorologists have also issued a warning of severe heat in Gujarat on the western edge. In view of this, a big decision has been taken in Ahmedabad to provide relief to the people in the city from the heat. The traffic department in Ahmedabad has announced that traffic lights at about 100 intersections in the city will be kept closed during the afternoon during the summer season. According to a report in DeshGujarat, people will not be required to stop at red light from 12 noon to 4 pm. It is said that this decision has been taken so that people do not have to stop on the road in the hot sun. However, it has not been announced yet when this decision will be implemented. JCP Traffic NN Chaudhary said that the red light will be kept off during this period. But the yellow light will keep blinking. Traffic policemen will control the traffic at all these intersections from 12 noon to 4 pm. ORS solution will be provided to the traffic personnel to protect them from dehydration. There are about 305 traffic signals in Ahmedabad. Of these, about 200 have heavy traffic. These signals will be kept active. However, here too the red light timings will be reduced, so that people need to wait less time. The mercury has already reached 37 degrees Celsius in Ahmedabad. The temperature has been predicted to cross 40 on April 8, while the maximum temperature on April 9 has been predicted to be 43 degrees Celsius. The temperature is likely to remain above 40 degrees throughout the month.

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