
NHPC organizes ‘Gyanankan – The Business Quiz’

As a part of Organizational Development initiative, ‘Gyanankan – The Business Quiz’ was organised by NHPC here today. The main objective behind organising the quiz was to encourage the employees for keeping themselves abreast with latest business jargons, current affairs and other advancements happening globally and also to ignite the innovative and creative minds of the employees. R.P. Goyal, Director (Finance), NHPC was the chief guest on the occasion. Uttam Lal, Director (Personnel), NHPC attended the event via video conference mode. The first edition of Quiz received a highly enthusiastic response from NHPC employees from across all its various Regional Offices, Power Stations, Projects and Units. The preliminary round of the quiz drew participation from across locations of NHPC in the country. The Semi-Final and Grand Finale rounds were attended by senior NHPC officers and a large number of NHPC employees. The Grand Finale comprised of 5 exciting rounds of mind boggling quizzing action between six teams on a host of topics from the Business and Corporate World and general knowledge which kept the audience highly enthralled. The team comprising of Rashmi Saraswat, Manager (Electrical), Design (E&M) Division, Corporate Office and Sanjeev Kumar Dhiman, AM (IT), CMD Sectt, Corporate Office finished as Winners of ‘Gyanankan – The Business Quiz.’ The team comprising of Nitin Verma, DM (HR), Finance Division, Corporate Office and Tapas Ranjan Behera, TO (HR), Loktak Power Station finished as first runners up and the team comprising of Vijay Singh, Manager (Mech.), Salal Power Station and Devnandan Kumar, DM (Electrical), Salal Power Station finished as Second Runners up. Renowned Quizmaster S.P.S. Jaggi, Former Director (P&A), SCI conducted the Semi Finals and Grand Finale of the quiz.

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