
New Delhi: Changes in blood flow in the eyes may affect the visual symptoms of migraine

New Delhi: According to a new study, researchers have discovered that changes in blood flow in the retina may affect the visual symptoms of some migraine patients. According to the study published in the journal Headache, the findings may represent a long-sought observable marker of migraine that doctors can use to help treat the condition medically. “Although migraine patients often experience symptoms such as pain around the eyes, sensitivity to light, blind spots and blurred vision, the mechanisms behind those symptoms are not well understood,” said researchers from the University of California, with a seat in EE. Has not been properly understood.” you you. The researchers used a non-invasive imaging technique, known as angiography by optical coherence tomography (OCTA), to look at changes in the blood vessels in the retinas of migraine patients during and between migraine attacks. The images were taken in 37 patients with migraine with aura symptoms, 30 patients with migraine without aura symptoms, and 20 older patients in the control group, the study said. “The researchers found that blood flow to the retina during migraine attacks decreased to the same extent in migraine patients with and without aura symptoms. However, they found that patients with aura symptoms had less blood flow in certain areas of the retina compared to patients with There was little blood flow. Without symptoms of aura”. The studio is mentioned. Additionally, asymmetric blood flow to the retina is related to the part of the head in which migraine patients experience pain. According to the study, the findings may explain why some patients have visual symptoms and may serve as a biomarker of migraine attacks.

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