Nepal: Political routine: Government changes, new accord on way.”,In a dramatic political development, Nepal’s two largest parties – the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML – signed a power-sharing deal at midnight to form a new ‘national consensus government’ to replace the coalition government led by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Prachanda” “According to former Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud, Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba and Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML) Chairman and former Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli reached an agreement at midnight on Monday to form a new coalition. Saud, who is also a prominent member of the Nepali Congress, said that 78-year-old Deuba and 72-year-old Oli have agreed to share the post of Prime Minister on a rotating basis for the remaining term of Parliament. The Nepali Congress, the largest party in the House of Representatives (HoR), currently has 89 seats, while the CPN-UML has 78 seats. The combined strength of the two major parties is 167, enough for a majority of 138 seats in the 275-member HoR.The two leaders also met on Saturday to lay the foundation for a possible new political alliance between the two parties after Oli’s CPN-UML ended its ties with the Prachanda-led government barely four months after extending support to it.
Under the agreement likely to be finalised on Tuesday, CPN-UML chief Oli will lead the government in the first phase of the remaining parliamentary term. The two leaders agreed to share the prime minister’s post for one-and-a-half years each, Saud said. Media reports quoting several senior leaders of the two parties said the two leaders tentatively agreed on forming a new government, amending the Constitution and drawing up a power-sharing formula, which they reportedly shared with some confidants. Nepal has had 13 governments in the last 16 years, reflecting the fragile nature of the Himalayan nation’s political system. Sources close to the CPN-UML said ministers affiliated to the CPN-UML in the Prachanda-led cabinet may resign en masse in the afternoon. CPN-UML secretary Shankar Pokhrel has told reporters that an agreement has been reached with the Nepali Congress to form a national government led by former Prime Minister Oli. The new government will be formed to maintain political stability in the country and make necessary amendments to the Constitution. Meanwhile, according to sources close to the CPN-Maoist Centre, Prime Minister Prachanda is in talks with CPN-UML chief Oli to discuss the latest political developments. “Prachanda is not resigning from the post at this time. CPN-Maoist Centre secretary Ganesh Shah said, “Nothing can be said before the talks between Prachanda and Oli are completed.” According to the agreement, the CPN-UML will take control of several ministries, including the prime minister’s post and the finance ministry, during Oli’s tenure. Similarly, the Nepali Congress will oversee ten ministries, including the Home Ministry. According to the agreement, the CPN-UML will lead the provincial governments in Koshi, Lumbini and Karnali provinces, and the Nepali Congress will lead the provincial governments in Bagmati, Gandaki and Sudurpashchim provinces. Oli and Deuba also agreed to include Madhesi-based parties in the main Madhesi province and committed to constitutional amendment.
The agreement was drafted by a four-member working group. According to a member of the working group, it will detail the power-sharing agreement, propose amendments to the constitution, review the electoral system, including proportional representation, change the National Assembly system, and discuss the size of provincial assemblies. Differences between Oli and Prime Minister Prachanda had been growing steadily and Oli was unhappy with the recent budget allocations made by the government for the financial year 2024-25, which he spoke about publicly. Observers said Prachanda, concerned by the closed-door meeting between Deuba and Oli, had gone to meet Oli to assure him that the government was serious about addressing the issues raised by the CPN-UML, including its concerns over the new budget. During their meeting on Monday morning, Oli reportedly asked Prachanda to support him by resigning, the report said. Prachanda offered Oli the post of prime minister within the current ruling coalition, which he declined, and expressed his desire to lead the government.