NASA discovers large organic compounds on Mars, will life be possible on Martian land soon

NASA scientists have finally identified the largest organic molecules found on Mars. The compounds on rock show a connection to past life on the planet. The molecules gives proof about favourable conditions once, but however there are no indications about existence of life.
The discovery was made at Gale Crater by NASA’a curiosity rover. The rover drilled into a rock named ‘Cumberland’ in 2013. The rock was present in Yellowknife Bay, which was previously a lake, according to scientists. Scientists have also said that there was water present for millions of years.
The compounds discovered were alkanes. Alkanes consist of chains of hydrogen and carbon which has similar resemblance to materials in fatty acids. On the basis of this evidence, Scientists speculate that there might have been a chance of life formation long ago. While, some other scientists believe that nature’s chemical reaction might also be a reason for the molecules found on Mars.
The team made the discovery using Curiosity’s Sample Analysis on Mars (SAM) instrument. They drilled the sample and heated it under very high temperatures. Gases were released as by-product, and were analysed to identify core constituents. The team found large alkanes.