Many trains canceled between Visakha-Hyderabad

Several train services were cancelled in the Kharagpur division for two days i.e. Wednesday and Thursday due to ongoing security works. Waltair Senior DCM AK Tripathi issued a statement on Tuesday informing this. He said that about 11 train services have been canceled. It is known that train services are being cancelled frequently due to the work going on in many railway divisions for some time now. Here are the details of the trains, which will be cancelled. The trains Puducherry-Howda (12868), Shalimar-Hyderabad (18045), Hyderabad-Shalimar East Coast Express (18046), Visakha-Shalimar (22854), Shalimar-Secunderabad (12773), MGR Chennai Central-Shalimar (22826), Hawda-Satyasai Prashanthi Nilayam (22831), Tambaram-Santragachchi (22842), Shalimar-Secunderabad (22849) were cancelled on June 21 and the trains MGR Chennai Central-Santragachi (22808), SMV Bangalore-Howda (22888) were cancelled on June 22.