
Loot of kerosene when tanker overturned, local people carried away buckets

Durg. A tanker filled with kerosene entered a drain in the district. Due to the overturning of the tanker, the oil filled in the vehicle started falling. Seeing this, the people of the locality reached with cans, gallons, and buckets. Those people started taking the kerosene oil falling from the tanker to their homes. On getting the information, the police reached there and stopped the people. A kerosene filled tanker passing through the city’s cashew rice mill Bajrang Nagar suddenly overturned after entering the drain. Due to the overturning of the vehicle, a crowd of people gathered around and soon there was a competition to loot the oil.

On getting the information, the Kotwali police reached the spot. After a lot of effort, the police removed the people from the tanker. To avoid any accident or fire, the police made a security cordon around the tanker and kept people away from it. Later the tanker was somehow pulled out of the drain.

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