Labourer in Bengaluru forced to work with legs chained

BELAGAVI: Despite enforcing stricter labour laws, several labourers employed in various business establishments are being continuously exploited. It has also come to light that the condition of many of the workers who work in the in hotels and dhabas on the highways has been distressing and these the labourers are found leading a wretched existence to eke out a living without any other choice.
In a heart-wrenching incident reported from an old dhaba near Kittur, a 26-year-old was working like a bonded labourer with his legs chained. What is shocking is the fact that this young man is working as a cook in the dhaba and also serving the customers with his legs chained.
According to police sources, the youth hails from Uttar Pradesh and came to the dhaba in search of a job with many others long ago. The dhaba’s owner chained him, and forced him to allegedly work as a bonded labourer.