
Kohima: Naga Club preparing to launch a multi-storey building to accommodate travelers

Kohima: The Naga Club has been fundamental in reviving the vision of its founders of promoting unity and piety. This objective includes uniting individuals to promote a spirit of harmony among all members, regardless of their origin or beliefs.

Through various initiatives, the Club seeks to create an environment in which everyone feels valued. The focus is on promoting the common values people share rather than highlighting differences. By embracing diversity as well as celebrating similarities, participants can form stronger bonds among themselves, fostering true unity.

The El Nagal Club continues to safeguard the legacy of its founders by creating an environment that promotes genuine understanding through the building of family ties within communities, regardless of their race or religion, for future generations. To achieve lasting peace.

Naga Club, known as the oldest club of Nagaland, is launching a remarkable effort to preserve its fundamental values of solidarity and harmony among the Nagas. The project aims to construct a new high-rise building that will serve as temporary accommodation for visitors coming from remote areas of Nagaland. This next building will be built in Kohima, which serves as the state capital.

Acknowledging the difficulties faced by people arriving in Kohima during the first hours, especially those from poor areas, club president SEI expressed his concern. He focuses on how travelers struggle through harsh climatic conditions and spend uncomfortable nights without local acquaintances. To effectively address this problem, a new establishment has been created that will provide reasonable accommodation facilities as well as an affordable plate consisting of dal, chutney and rice, priced at not more than Rs 25 per plate, with Non-vegetarian food options will also be available. , Minimum prices.

It must be highlighted that this program was influenced by the founders of the club, who had earlier built a guest house of two floors with thatched roof and offered it as an open space for any Naga person. This communal area created opportunities where people from different tribes tried to socialize through various activities such as sports, developing relationships and, ultimately, helped eliminate the previous traditions of head hunting.

Plans for the upcoming construction of a new building detail a grand building measuring approximately 110X110 feet and will end with parking facilities at street level. The club intends to seek financial support from philanthropists and philanthropists to finance this project, with a focus first on the Angami population (the largest group) of the capital city, followed by other tribes according to the percentage of volunteers. Will be done.

It was revealed that the donor showing extreme generosity would be recognized, while the names of all donors would be forever engraved on a plaque displayed in chronological order according to the amount donated.

Apart from the bedrooms, the recently constructed building will have a mini conference room which will serve as a meeting place for talks on concerns related to the Naga community. The objective of the association is not limited to private contributors only but it also seeks to seek financial assistance from government and related agencies.

The Naga Club reaffirms its dedication to the vision of its founders, and this establishment serves as a testament to the incomparable values of amity and harmony that have traditionally characterized the people of Nagaland.

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